Hello, I’m Harry Edward Bassant, creator of Si5 - Supreme Intelligence to Self-Improvement!

You will work with me in various services I offer that all work towards transforming who you are for the better! This could be on My Diet Organiser service or enrolling onto The Si5 Community, which offers personal coaching and a structured program as a foundation.

It could even be simply downloading my free self-improvement tools from the store, educating yourself through my podcast, or finding motivation through my daily posts and videos.

You will walk with me closely on a journey of self-improvement. Therefore, it’s important for you to know a little about me!

My story

A few years ago, I was obese and lived a negative lifestyle. I was stuck in ruts of unhealthy eating, unhealthy living and unhealthy thinking. I was hugely self-conscious, had low self-esteem and always felt tired and sluggish. I never seemed to be accomplishing anything meaningful and my life had no real purpose.

When my father, Eddie, was diagnosed with Dementia and Motor Neurone Disease - and given two years to live - I knew I couldn’t delay any longer in becoming the best possible version of myself that I needed to be in order to be able to look after my dad and be the best son I could be for him.

I needed to improve physically and mentally. I created my own method in terms of weight-loss and studied intensely on the psychology of the human mind. When I started to work on both my mind and my body - my life improved and transformed dramatically!

In nine months, I went from 19.10 stone to 13.5 stone! I looked like a new person! My health had improved significantly! My energy levels were abundant.! My attitude was positive! My outlook on life had changed! My work ethics had improved! My relationships with others had improved! My fitness levels were out of this world! I developed self-confidence! I felt in control of myself! And the most important of all, I was the best son I could have been for my dad. He died feeling proud of his son.

I have since climbed nine of the United Kingdom’s highest mountains, going on to summit the highest mountain in North Africa, Mount Toubkal. I’ve ran 5k, 10k and half-marathon races, bettered my career, faced my fears, and now promote healthy living in various ways through publishing my own books, public speaking, podcasting, private coaching and supplying valuable products to assist.

This is the journey I have been on so you know where I have come from and what I have achieved with my methods of healthy living and personal growth.

I now want to help YOU on YOUR journey of self-improvement.

Harry Edward Bassant
Si5 - Supreme Intelligence to Self-Improvement

Why is this my purpose?

Life is all about learning and then passing on that knowledge. That’s what we all do in our day jobs. That’s how the world goes round!

I only started delving into self-improvement areas because I needed to. I wasn’t happy with who I was or where I was going in life. So I studied. I applied. I improved.

Over the last few years, I have gained vast amounts of experience in nutrition, weight-loss, fitness, cooking, mindset, psychology and every day mental health and well-being. I know I am now in a position to share my knowledge and help others. It would be selfish if I didn’t. That’s why I wanted to make it my business - to do something positive for someone else and provide a service of the highest value for them.

I feel so passionate about this purpose because it’s a purpose greater than myself. It provides great value to improve peoples’ lives - and I feel that’s the key to a great business.


My Methods

I am precise with the calculations for weight-loss. I am accurate with reaching nutritional goals. Some may call it obsessive. I call it results-driven.

I believe if you don’t enjoy something, it won’t be sustainable, so I promote healthy cooking from recipe books and applying it as a hobby rather than a chore.

I highly-value exercise for the release of endorphins and to increase mental-wellbeing. I have an attacking-mindset when it comes to the start of the day, so I see huge value in rising early in the morning to perform a morning ritual of the ‘victory hour’ in solitude and stillness, including meditation, journaling, day-planning and positive reading.

I believe in the B word… balance. A balanced lifestyle and to make time for ourself.

I focus on a holistically-designed approach to improve all areas of wellbeing. An all-in approach. Creating a new identity. Developing a new lifestyle.

I don’t take prisoners! I don’t put my arm around anyone. I tell them the facts. I show them what to do. I expect them to go and do it. You could call me a self-improvement consultant rather than a coach. If you work with me, we get results. I require 100% commitment and I won’t accept anything less from you. Be prepared for utmost accountability!


My top 5 fundamentals

  • 100% commitment

  • Healthy eating

  • Exercise

  • Positive reading

  • Journaling

My top 3 non-negotiable behaviours:

  • Positivity

  • Self-belief

  • Daily action


Before and after photos!

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After