Supreme Intelligence to Self-Improvement
Everything you need for self-improvement
It all starts with you!
Work with Harry Edward Bassant
and the Si5 team
My unique methods of dieting and healthy, enjoyable eating will transform the way you look for good
Program66 is specifically designed to install a new, healthy, lifestyle habits, with personal one-to-one coaching from Si5, to dramatically improve your life
Products and Services
Offering highly-valuable tools to ensure you reach your new level in life including the NEW 66-day Habit Installation journal!
Why choose Si5?
Life experience is better than any qualification
I lost 6.5 stone in weight and transformed my mindset using my own enjoyable methods. I am a certified public speaker with vast amounts of knowledge and experience in self-improvement.
Find out more about my story
I genuinely want to help you
Having reaped so many amazing rewards myself, I’m totally confident I can be of your service to the greatest value.
My philosophy
Diets work until they fail.
A lifestyle change is what’s needed.You must mentally improve in order to physically improve
The lifestyle change has to be enjoyable for it to be sustainable.
The habit must be installed to the point of automaticity (66 days)
Automaticity brings success.
The 66-day Habit Installation Program
According to the University of London, it takes 66 days to install a new habit to the point of automaticity - the point where it then becomes easier to perform the new habit than it does to perform the old.
Join my program for 66 days where we will destruct old habits, integrate new healthy living methods and install a great new way of being!
The 66-day Habit Installation Journal
Designed into three sections of 22 days for destruction, installation and integration - and 66 numbered day pages - for self-accountability and progression
If you’re going to have a world-class journey, then make sure you have a world-class journal to record it in
A perfect gift for anyone at any time!